Chomping at the Bit: Why Your Horse Needs Routine Dental Care
Written by University of Florida veterinary student, Dariella Fonseca Just like humans, regular dental care for horses is important for...

“Equine Asthma: Such a Heave-y Burden to Bare”
Written by University of Florida veterinary student, Kylie Tank The later summer and fall will be here before you know it. In Florida,...

EMS: Equine Metabolic Syndrome
Written by University of Florida veterinary student Josie Irvine Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is an endocrine disorder commonly seen...

Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me: Summer Sores
Written by Ross University veterinary student, Kirsten Shade Cutaneous Habronemiasis, more commonly known as “summer sores,” are of...

Under Pressure: Glaucoma
Written by University of Florida veterinary student, Michelle Haramboure Glaucoma occurs when there is an impairment of fluid drainage...

I'm all choked up
written by University of Florida Veterinary Student, Monica Calderon “Choke,” or an esophageal obstruction, is a common equine emergency...

Pro-Stride (Autologous Protein Solution): An All Natural Alternative To Steroid Joint Injections
Osteoarthritis is a performance limiting problem for many of our equine athletes and a cause of chronic pain. To treat joint arthritis,...

Anhidrosis: Something to Sweat About!
It's hotter than noon on the fourth of July! If you live south of the Mason Dixon, you're horses are feeling that heat too. They battle...

EWT: An Every 6 Month Vaccine!
We've seen 2 suspected cases of EEE (eastern equine encephalitis) in the past MONTH. Mosquitoes carry this virus and any horse that...

New Year, New Foals!
It's the start of foaling season, and therefore, a good time to dust off the old foaling manual. Normal gestational length in the horse...